So it's been a month since our doctor appointment. We both had several tests done, and they are all coming back POSITIVE! Which is very good, because that means there's nothing that needs to be fixed. But on the other hand, what is the hold up? I know, what it is, I guess I just refuse to believe that, that could be the only reason. So with all the information that we have, we decided to give it one more try on our own. I bought these digital Ovulation Predictor Kits to help us know when the best time is. I hope they help. We are giving it three months, so if I am not pregnant by the end of September, then we will go back to the doctor.
I kind of feel like if we haven't gotten pregnant in the last five years (except for once), then what difference is three months going to make. Then on the other hand, now that we know that all things are normal then if we can make a baby on our own and without the extra expense then I think that is worth a try.
When all this hullabaloo came up at work, I was stressed about not having a job. At that point we analyzed how self reliant are we for a time like this? The answer not as well as we should be. That realization scared me. We were thinking of all the things that we would have to walk a way from, one would be our house. We have been working on a ways of being more self reliant. Like the only debt that we have is our car, that I am trying to pay off extra fast. (The plan is December, it will have taken me 2 1/2 yrs to pay off $7,900. ish.) We also seem to have a constant flow of medical bills coming in. I am trying to get our monthly costs down, but we still do have quite a few luxuries, and Randel really isn't on the same plan. So could we live on just Randel's income? NO! Even if we only had our mortgage and basics, there would be no way. I am so looking forward to him graduating his program later this year and making more money. But we do have some food storage, and toiletries. The biggest scare is pretty much no savings. So what have I learned from this? You never know what is coming around the corner, so you better be prepared. I am extremely grateful that I still have a job and a good job at that. But I am also grateful for this eye opening experience of the what-if. I would now like to work on us being more self reliant!