Friday, December 16, 2011


I love being pregnant! I haven't posted much about my pregnancy, because I was trying to be sensitive to others, and not really sure what to say. But today I am in a mood to talk about it. Yesterday I made 6 months or 24 weeks. Point of viability, not that I have any concerns to worry about it, but it does now give me a sense of relief. I'm sure all babies and mommies are, my baby is AMAZING! I can feel her move on the inside, and it feels funny, but when I try to feel with my hand she stops. Little stinker! I have a heart Doppler thing that allows me to listen to her heart beat, and I love that. Off all the things that I have bought the Doppler is my favorite! (and I got it at Goodwill for 6.95) I love, love, love hearing her little strong heart beat and hearing her move around. The last couple of nights when I use the Doppler she kicks it! So I can feel the Doppler move, and I put my fingers right next to the Doppler and I feel it too. But she only lets me feel her when I use the Doppler. I wonder if she doesn't like it for some reason.
So far at 24 weeks my pregnancy has been pretty easy. In the beginning I did get sick a lot, now I get sick occasionally. Fortunately it's in the morning while I am at home. I am tired pretty much all of the time. My lunch time naps are very help full, they get me to bed time. Because of my weight I won't get the traditional baby bump, which is my fault, and it's OK I know that I am pregnant. In the beginning I lost 10 pounds, and have kept most of it off, in the last month I have probably gained 3 or 4 pounds. The doctor says that I am doing great. I am trying really hard not to complain about physical aches and problems. Not that I have anything really to complain about. I told Heavenly Father that when I got pregnant I would not complain. So I am trying to keep my promise.
At 19 weeks we had a 3D Ultra sound in San Diego, it was amazing. It was at that appointment that we found out that we are having a baby girl. We are so happy that she is girl. Since that is what we were both hoping for, even though we would have been happy with a boy. But HOORAY for GIRLS. Her name is Hannah Michelle, we love her name! Hannah is pretty much the only girl name that we could agree on. Michelle is for my mom. It was Randel's condition for giving up the name that he liked SUSAN, ugg. I will take Michelle any day of the week, thank you.
Her room is coming along. It is partially put together, but we are having company for Christmas that will be staying in her room. So after the first of the year then I can work a little harder on it. Until I became pregnant with her I always thought that we would have a boy, and for years I have been collecting baby stuff. The theme that I like is Jungle/ Safari and the colors are dark brown and light green. Now that we know we are having a girl, nothing is really changing. I have too much to change. I can make it girlie. And since I have been collecting there isn't a whole lot that I need. But boy is there a lot of baby stuff out in the world. With that being said I have created a baby registry on Just things that I think are cute and would be nice to have. It's kinda funny, I can't seem to stop buying things for her. And people are getting really mad at me. But I have been this way my whole life. And cute is cute!
I really hope that she comes on her due date April 6, mostly because of the religious significance. I also just like the date. I do have a few that I do not want for various reasons such as the 1, 3, 5. But she will come when she comes.
I guesss that's all for now, hope fully it makes sense since I am posting this at work! haha Thanks for reading!