Monday, January 31, 2011

To be a bird

Do you ever find yourself sitting in your car or walking outside; and you look up and see a bird flying in the sky? You think to yourself "man to be a bird, to be able to fly anywhere, and just come and go as you please. To have the cares of a bird, I think they would be, what and where am I going to eat next? and try not to get eaten by another bird or animal.

There is definitely something to be said about stability. Having a good job, a home that you own, a car, church callings, friends, and family.

But on the other hand, sometimes I just feel trapped. I have the urge to just pick up and leave. But I have things that I must do, so I stay.

Hence, looking up at the birds, wishing I could fly away.


  1. I've never thought of being a bird. As a child (and actually of late) I've often wondered what it would like to be a cat. Sometime our responsibilities tie us down, but hopefully they can bring us happiness too!

  2. That's funny, maybe the animals that are around us is what we think of. Me not being a cat person I would not think of being a cat, but birds I see outside.
    Just the funny things we think!
